Pattern matching over recursive values in Swift

Swift’s value types are almost able to represent algebraic data types. Unfortunately, they fall short of the mark when it comes to recursion, and while they’ve announced that their solution, indirect cases, will ship in a later build of Swift 2, there’s still reason to want them today.

The standard solution is to use Box<T>, a function, or some other reference type to manually force an indirection for the recursive cases:

enum Expression {
	case Variable(String)
	case Abstraction(String, Box<Expression>)
	case Application(Box<Expression>, Box<Expression>)

Unfortunately, this has a few significant warts:

  • Clients of the API have to know about Box<T>; it can’t be a private implementation detail. This can in turn lead to ambiguities if APIs aren’t using a common dependency to provide the Box<T> type. Further, they have to box and unbox the values themselves.
  • Pattern matching cannot be performed recursively in a single step.

Indirect cases will (I believe) resolve both of these issues, but there’s another solution we can apply today which solves both and provides a significant increase in the expressiveness of the type, at the expense of introducing a (useful) intermediary type.

To begin with, note that in Swift 2, it’s no longer necessary to box elements of parameterized types in enum cases. This suggests a straightforward refactoring: replace Expression’s recursive instances with elements of a type parameter:

enum Expression<Recur> {
	case Variable(String)
	case Abstraction(String, Recur)
	case Application(Recur, Recur)

Now we’ve got an Expression type that can be instantiated with a given type parameter to recur. But if we try to describe the type of a recursive instance of it, we immediately run into a wall:

let expression: Expression<Expression<Expression<…>>>

It would seem we’ve simply moved the problem from the cases to the type, and can now see more clearly why Swift doesn’t allow cases to recur directly: it amounts to an infinite type. Some indirection is required, somewhere, and by allowing the programmer to place it (whether by explicit boxing or an indirect keyword), the performance implications are somewhat under their control, rather than the compiler’s.

We need some way to tie Expression into a knot (as it were), looping back around into itself, but without requiring us to write out an infinite list of nested type parameters. If we were writing a function instead of a type, we could use the fix function, which computes the least fixed point of a function, to lift a nonrecursive function into a recursive one:

let factorial = fix { recur in
    { n in n > 0 ? n * recur(n - 1) : 1 }

Instead of making a recursive function, we make a nonrecursive function taking a function as a parameter, and return an inner function which calls through it in order to recur. fix calls the outer function with a closure which calls back into fix, tying the knot. Is there an analogous fixed point for types? If there were, we would expect it to have the same overall shape: it would apply a type constructor like Expression<T> to a type which itself provides the connection back to Expression<T>.

I’ll let you in on a secret: types are functions, too. Expression<T> is actually a function, abstracted over a parameter T to a concrete instance of Expression with Recur instantiated to T. And it turns out that, like other functions, types also have fixed points.

In Haskell (the inevitable destination of any discussion of fixed points in programming languages), we could write this Fix type of a parameter type f like so:

data Fix f = Fix (f (Fix f))

This is Haskell notation approaching its densest form, so let’s compare it with how fix (the least fixed point of functions) is defined in Swift:

public func fix<A, B>(f: (A -> B) -> A -> B) -> A -> B {
	return { f(fix(f))($0) }

The fix function applies f, the function parameter passed to fix, to the result of applying fix recursively to f again. It wraps this up in another closure to avoid infinite looping.

Analogously, the Fix type applies f, the type parameter passed to fix, to the result of applying Fix recursively to f again. Haskell is lazily-evaluated, so it doesn’t need to wrap the lot of it up again.

Let’s try writing Fix in Swift. It only has one case, so it can be a struct instead of an enum.

struct Fix {}

Now it needs to have a type parameter, F.

struct Fix<F> {}

So far so good. Now we need to apply F to itself, recursively. But doesn’t that cause the infinite sequence of nested types again? Fix<F<Fix<F<…>>>> is no improvement on Expression<Expression<Expression<…>>>.

Fortunately, Swift allows you to refer to a type without reference to its type parameters in its body:

struct Fix<F> {
	let body: F<Fix>

Unfortunately, while Fix is a complete reference inside the body of this type, Swift doesn’t know that F can accept type parameters, and thus rejects this. We can be sneaky and use a protocol with a typealias to work around this:

protocol Fixable {
	typealias Recur

struct Fix<F: Fixable> {
	let body: F

But now when we add the constraint to tie F into a knot, we run into a new issue: swiftc crashes. (rdar://20000145).

protocol Fixable {
	typealias Recur

struct Fix<F: Fixable where F.Recur == Fix> {
	let body: F
// => fish: Job 1, 'swift boom.swift' terminated by signal SIGSEGV (Address boundary error)

Fortunately, while Swift can’t express a generic Fix over any arbitrary fixable type, it can express a fixed point of Expression specifically. Let’s call this new type Term. Once again, it’s a struct, and its body holds an Expression instantiated to itself. This one errors out, but it’s clear we’re getting closer:

struct Term {
	let body: Expression<Term>
// => error: recursive value type 'Term' is not allowed

Term is recursive because it holds an Expression which in turn holds (in some of its cases) a Recur, which we’ve instantiated to Term. We need to reintroduce an indirection via a reference type like Box<T> or a function.

Haven’t we just moved the problem around again? Well, sort of. Certainly we still need to box the values, but now we can do it in one and only one place—Term—and additionally we can make it private, avoiding exposing our implementation details to our consumers. Our constructor and getter can handle the boxing and unboxing for us:

struct Term {
	init(body: Expression<Term>) {
		boxedBody = Box(body)

	var body: Expression<Term> {
		return boxedBody.value

	private let boxedBody: Box<Expression<Term>>

That’s a pretty decent reason to use this approach right now (if you can’t wait for indirect cases). But it only solves one of the problems we mentioned initially; we still can’t pattern match recursively. For example, if we wanted to evaluate application expressions, we would want to write something like this:

switch expression {
case let .Application(.Abstraction(variable, body), argument):
	// substitute argument for variable in body
	// throw an error

But because of the Term and Box, neither of which can be matched through, we would have to write this instead:

switch expression {
case let .Application(abstraction, argument):
	switch abstraction.body {
	case let .Abstraction(variable, body):
		// substitute argument for variable in body
	// throw an error

If we could flatten out the type, we could pattern match. Flattening out the type would put us straight back into the infinite sequence of Expression<…>s; but maybe we can only partially flatten it?

We don’t need to pattern match against arbitrarily-nested terms for this example; we just want to match against a single nested layer. Therefore, we really only need to flatten out a single step of the recursive type. We’d need to apply this for each appearance of Recur in Expression, replacing it with Expression<Recur>.

Replacing each instance of a type parameter with an instance of another type parameter sounds like a job for a map function. In Haskell, this function is known as fmap, for functor map, where functors are a kind of mathematical object with some specific shape, and where map preserves this shape. For example, the method, given some function transform, produces a new array with the same number of elements and in the same order (i.e. preserving the structure of the array), but with each element replaced by applying transform. Array, then, is a functor; and it turns out, so is our Expression tree.

In our case, map should replace the Recur instances with the result of applying some function to them. There are no instances of Recur in Variable cases, so it should just re-wrap the variable name in the resulting type; the Abstraction and Application cases will apply transform:

enum Expression<Recur> {
	func map<Other>(transform: Recur -> Other) -> Expression<Other> {
		switch self {
		case let .Variable(x):
			return .Variable(x)
		case let .Abstraction(x, body):
			return .Abstraction(x, transform(body))
		case let .Application(a, b):
			return .Application(transform(a), transform(b))

We can use this to implement recursion schemes, improving our confidence in recursive functions over the type, but for now we’ll limit ourselves to enabling pattern matching. Given an Expression<Recur>, we want to replace each Recur with its recursive instantiation, Expression<Recur>. Otherwise put, we need a function of type Expression<Recur> -> Expression<Expression<Recur>>. Let’s implement this as a method, and call it destructure (since it decomposes the structure of the type):

enum Expression<Recur> {
	func destructure() -> Expression<Expression<Recur>> {
		return map {
			// what do we do here?

…but we can’t! To implement a function of type Expression<Recur> -> Expression<Expression<Recur>> using map, we’d need a function of type Recur -> Expression<Recur> to pass to it. There is no useful function that can do this; without knowing a specific (and actually recursive) type for Recur, we have no way to recover the Expression<Recur> that we want to return.

Instead, let’s use a constrained extension to limit ourselves to Expression<Term>. Unfortunately it’s not quite that simple, because Swift, for reasons beyond my knowledge (rdar://21512469), forbids the obvious thing:

extension Expression where Recur == Term { … }
// => error: same-type requirement makes generic parameter 'Recur' non-generic

We’ll work around this using a protocol, FixpointType:

protocol FixpointType {
	typealias Fixed

extension Term: FixpointType {
	typealias Fixed = Expression<Term>

Now we can constrain the extension to FixpointType like we want:

extension Expression where Recur : FixpointType, Recur.Fixed == Expression<Recur> {
	func destructure() -> Expression<Expression<Recur>> {
		return map {
			// what do we do here?

There are two problems remaining with this implementation:

  1. We still don’t have a way to get an Expression<Recur> from a Recur.
  2. swiftc crashes. (rdar://21328632)

Fortunately, we can resolve the former by adding a property to the protocol:

protocol FixpointType {
	typealias Fixed
	var body: Fixed { get }

With that out of the way, we can work around the crash by loosening the constraints slightly; we don’t actually require that Recur.Fixed be recursive; we just need to be able to name it. Now we can give the return type of destructure as Expression<Recur.Fixed>, and implement it in the obvious way, mapping each term to its body:

extension Expression where Recur : FixpointType {
	func destructure() -> Expression<Recur.Fixed> {
		return map { term in term.body }

Now we can use destructure to implement evaluation of well-formed .Application expressions, using exactly the pattern matching we wanted in the first place:

switch expression.destructure() {
case let .Application(.Abstraction(variable, body), argument):
	// substitute argument for variable in body
	// throw an error

Full code listing.